The Medical Palm Review

February, 2007 (V8N2) - Let's Play

And Now For Something Completely Different

This is the eighth year of publication of the Medical Palm Review. It has gone through several changes in format and delivery. Starting to feel a little stale so I decided to try delivering it as a blog.

Blogs have some advantages over the website format I have been using recently. I can log on from anywhere to add content when I feel like it, instead of aggregating news and commentary in monthly chunks. It's also easier for readers to offer comments and feedback. Up until now, almost all the mail I have ever received at the contact address listed in every issue has been spam. Now I can retire that address.

Disadvantages include the possibility of even more spam, which might also clutter up the blog site if I am not careful. And there is the risk that readers might not like the change in style that the new format entails. Many of the features for visually challenged users which I added to the MPR will not work the same on a blog and will need to be relearned.

This month's issue can be found at The Medical Palm Review blog site. I am still learning and experimenting. Let me know how you like it. Your comments can influence how we continue.

This is one of a continuing series of newsletters about Palm handheld computers, prepared for doctors, nurses, IT professionals, educators and other people who need tools that work. The Review is published monthly on our web site. Subscription is free; the principal benefit is receiving e-mail notification of new issues.

To subscribe, comment or complain, please contact us at the following address:

Visit the web site of the Medical Palm Review for the latest issue and the archive of back issues.